You are interested in japanese martial arts? Watch our promotion video!

Within our association (SHOBUKAI AUSTRIA) we train and teach the following japanese BUDO: Jujitsu - Kawaishi Ryu, Aikido, Judo, Karatedo - Shito Ryu, Karate, Iaido, Ninjitsu. Furthermore, since 2013 we have also the section Combatives.

To train seriously is one major aspect, if you want to learn martial arts. Equally important are fun and enthusiasm. The mentioned issues are the key for a successful training. 

Shobukai Austria members (EJJU seminar 2017 in Vienna)

Our major goal is not only to teach martial arts, but also to communicate the cultural background of it. 

If you are interested, just visit us in one of our trainings. A trial lesson is always possible, except if you want to join in USI-course. At the University Sports Institute of Vienna (USI) a trial lesson is only possible at the first unit of each course, related on the semester. Appointments and news, such as where and when the next seminar will be, are going to be presented here, on this website.

You will finde the USI-course numbers here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us ...

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- International EJJU Jujitsu Seminar
